Network Support Library
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Version 2.43
Bumped up the version number because it's been a while since I last
changed it.
Starting with this version MarxMenu stores it's serial number
information in the Bindery as well as the MARXMENU.EXE file. Thus when
you get a new version of MarxMenu it will serialize itself the first
time you run it. This makes updates easier.
BiosDate : String
Returns the date of the rom Bios.
MarxMenu is now more Windows aware. When running MarxMenu under Windows
the TaskNumber variable reads the Virtual Machine ID. Thus MarxMenu no
longer requires that you set a TASK= environment variable under windows.
DriveType (Drive) : String
DriveType returns the type of drive of a given drive letter. This is
like DiskType with the exception of how it deals with floppy drives.
DiskType actually tries to read the floppy so if you put a 720k disk in
a 1.4 meg drive then DiskType will return 720. DriveType returns the
type of drive the CMOS is configured for.
PcType : String
PcType returns the type of computer you are running as a string. Types
include: PC, XT, AT, PS2.
CpuName : String
Returns the name of the CPU. CPU names include:
8088, 8086, V20 ,V30, 80188, 80186, 80286,
80386, 80386SX, 80486, 80486SX
McpClass : Number
Returns the math coprocessor class.
0 = None
1 = 8078
2 = 80287
3 = 80387
4 = 80487 (486 CPU)
McpName : String
Returns the name of the marh coprocessor. If there is no math
coprocessor then an empty string is returned. Names include:
8087, 80287, 80387, 80487
EmsInstalled : Boolean
Returns True if EMS memory manager is installed.
EmsVersion : String
EmsVersion returns the version of the EMS driver you are using. If EMS
isn't present it returns an empty string.
XmsInstalled : Boolean
Returns True if XMS memory manager is installed.
XmsVersion : String
XmsVersion returns the version of the XMS driver you are using. If XMS
isn't present it returns an empty string.
VCPIInstalled : Boolean
Returns True if VCPI services are installed.
VCPIVersion : String
VCPIVersion returns the version of the VCPI driver you are using. If
VCPI isn't present it returns an empty string.
DPMIInstalled : Boolean
Returns True if DPMI services are installed.
DPMIVersion : String
DPMIVersion returns the version of the DPMI driver you are using. If
DPMI isn't present it returns an empty string.
MouseVersion : String
MouseVersion returns the version of the mouse driver you are using. If a
mouse driver isn't present it returns an empty string.
MouseIRQ : Number
Returns the interrupt number that the mouse driver is using.
MouseType : String
Reurns the type of mouse being used. If a mouse driver isn't present it
returns an empty string.
ComNewLineProgram : Procedure
ComNewLineProgram is a procedure variable that if set to point to a
procedure is executed every time a new line is received at the modem.
ComNewLineProgram = Loc ExamineLastLine
Procedure ExamineLastLine
var St P
P = pos('Time Sync:',ComLastLine)
if P = 0 then Return
St = mid(ComLastLine,P + 11,17) ;read Date and Time
NovServerTime = TimeOf(St)
In this example, ExamineLastLine is executed once each new line and is
scaned for the word "Time Sync:". If the word is found it sets the
server time to the value following that word.
NovChangeObjPassword (Obj, Type, OldPassword, NewPassword)
NovChangeObjPassword is like NovChangePassword except it allows you to
change the password on other objects than yourself. Type refers to the
object type. Users are type 1.
ClearKbdBuffer clears the characters out of the keyboard buffer.
Overlayed : Boolean
Overalyed returns true if menu is loaded as an overlay.
I've expanded the use of the word Trim. Besides trimming the blanks from
the ends of strings it will also trim blank lines from the ends of
Local : Array
Parameters passed to procedures and local variables in a procedure are
elements of an array of local variables. By using the word Local you can
address passed parameters and local variables as if they were elements
of an array.
Procedure Test (A,B)
var C,D
Writeln A B C D
In the above example the variable A is the same as Local[1], B is
Local[2], C is Local[3], and D is Local[4]. The Local command can be
used to pass a varying number of parameters to a procedure as follows:
Procedure Test
Loop Local
Writeln Local[LoopIndex]
Test (1,2,3,4)
This allows the procedure Test to accept and process any number of
parameters you wish to pass to it.
Version 2.44
I've changed the semaphores to work with TSRs in upper memory. You no
longer need a TSR in low memory for semaphores to live. This improves
software metering.
TSRs (Array)
TSRs returns a list of all TSRs in memory as well as the names of
pending batch files.
var TsrList
Loop TsrList
Writeln TsrList[LoopIndex]
InMem (TsrName) : Boolean
Inmem returns true if the TSR you are looking for is loaded. This allow
you to do conditionals based on the presence or absence of a TSR. It
will also check for the names of pending batch files.
if not InMem('BTRIEVE')
MemoryLoc (TsrName) : Number
MemoryLoc returns the memory segment address of the TSR name you
specify. If the TSR isn't in memory it returns a 0.
Writeln 'Btrieve is at $' HexString(MemoryLoc('BTRIEVE'),4)
Well, I'm now jumping into the VLM stuff and making MarxMenu Netware 4
smart. Here's what I have so far. I still don't consider netware 4 to be
done yet, but it's getting at least close enough to start developing
for. Since this involves a lot of changes it's likely that I might have
broken a command or two. If you find something that doesn't work, let me
know about it.
VlmLoaded : Boolean
Returns true if the VLM shell is loaded.
NovConTableSize : Number
NovConTableSize returns the maximum number of servers the shell can
connect to. In the past using the NETX shells this has been 8. But the
new shells can be set to different values.
NovFirstNetworkDrive : String
NovFirstNetworkDrive returns the drive letter of the first network drive
on a Novell network.
The NovFullName command is now writeable.
NovFullName ('RNOORDA') = 'Ray Noorda'
NovManager (UserName) : Boolean
Returns True if the user has workgroup manager priveledges. If UserName
isn't specified then the current user is assumed.
if NovManager ('FRED') then Writeln 'Fred is a Manager'
if NovManager then Writeln 'I am a Manager'
NovMaxUserConnections (UserName) : Number
Returns the maximum number of connections that a user is limited to. A
zero means unlimited connections. If UserName isn't specified then the
current user is assumed. You can also use this command to set the limit.
Writeln NovMaxConnection ('FRED') ; Fred's Limit
Writeln NovMaxConnection ; My Limit
NovMaxConnections ('BARNEY') = 5 ; Set Barney's limit to 5
NovSpaceUsed (UserName,Volume) : Number
NovSpaceUsed returns the total disk space in use by the user on the
specified volume.
Writeln NovSpaceUsed ('BILL','F:') ; Bill's disk space on F:
NovSpaceLimit (UserName, Volume) : Number
NovSpaceLimit returns the disk space limit for the user on the specified
volume. You can also use this command to set the limit.
Writeln NovSpaceLimit ('BILL','F:') ; Bill's space limit on F:
NovSpaceLimit ('BILL','SYS:') = 2000000 ; Limits Bill's space
NovSerialNumber : String
NovSerialNumber returns the current server serial number as a string.
Writeln NovSerialNumber
NovUserFiles (UserName,Volume) : Number
NovUserFiles returns the number of files on the volume that are owned by
the user. This commamd takes a while to run. Expect delays from a few
seconds to several minutes.
Writeln NovUserFiles ('PETE','SYS:')
NovUserDirectories (UserName,Volume) : Number
NovUserDirectories returns the number of directories on the volume that
are owned by the user. This commamd takes a while to run. Expect delays
from a few seconds to several minutes.
Writeln NovUserDirectories ('PETE','F:')
Version 2.45
I bumped up the version number so that this can be the first official
VLM shell version.
I've enhanced the compilers ability to deal with conditionals. You can
now use the following syntax:
if <condition> then <statement> else <statement>
This will work if the statements a single statements. Also:
Repeat <Statement>
Until <Condition>
Repeat <Statement> Until <Condition>
have been added. Before you had to put Repeat on a line by itself.
The command ExitMenu can now take a command line which tells MarxMenu to
run this one line and then don't come back to the menu.
ExitMenu 'DIR /W'
I made a change in the MXSTOP.BAT file. MarxMenu no longer deletes the
temporary batch file itself when exiting the menu. MarxMenu sets an
environment variable DELBAT to the name of the temporary batch file. The
MXSTOP.BAT file actually deletes it. You will want to run MARXMENU INST
to create a new MXSTOP.BAT file.
I added logic into MarxMenu to automatically process environment
variable referrences within filenames. Thus:
This logic works with all commands that use file names.
New Commands:
LoopVal returns the current variable in a Loop EndLoop when the loop is
started using an array.
var X
ReadDirectory X
Loop X
LoopVal = CleanFileName LoopVal
Writeln LoopVal
LoopVal can be read or written to. It can be indexed or used with
qualifiers. Any function that can be used with variables can be used
with LoopVal. With nested loops, LoopVal always references the innermost
EnvExpandString (String) : String
EnvExpandString will take a string that has environment variable
referrences in it and substitute the environment variable for that part
of the string.
Writeln EnvExpandString 'F:\HOME\%USERNAME%\WINDOWS'
NovSemaphoreInfo (2DArray,Commection)
NovSemaphoreInfo reads the semaphore information of a connection number.
It returns a two dimensional array of the semaphore names, open count,
value, and task number.
Var Sem
Qualifier Name, OpenCount, Val, Task
Loop Sem
Write LoopVal.Name ' ' LoopVal.OpenCount ' '
Writeln LoopVal.Val ' ' LoopVal.Task
NovLoginTime (Connection)
Returns the login time of a specific connection. If the connection
number isn't specified then the current connection is assumed.
var X
X = NovLoginTime
Writeln DateString(X) ' ' TimeString(X)
NovServDescription (Array)
NovServDescription returns an array of strings that contain the novell
file server description,
var Des
Loop Des
Writeln LoopVal
NovConUsingAFile (Array,FileName)
NovConUsingAFile creates an array with a list of connection numbers that
have a file open.
;WhoHas program in MarxMenu
var ConnectionList
Loop ConnectionList
Writeln NovLoginName(LoopVal) ' [' LoopVal ']'
NovDiskSpaceFromDel (Path) : Number
NovDiskSpaceFromDel returns the amount of disk space that is used by
deleted files and is available for reuse.
Writeln NovDiskSpaceFromDel 'F:'
NovDiskSpaceFromDelNA (Path) : Number
NovDiskSpaceFromDelNA returns the amount of disk space that is used by
deleted files and is not yet available for reuse.
Writeln NovDiskSpaceFromDelNA 'F:'
CommaString (String) : String
CommaString takes a string that represents a number and adds commas
every three characters. If you pass it a number it will convert it to a
string and then add the commas.
Writeln CommaString ('12345') ; returns 12,345
Writeln CommaString (45 * 75) ; returns 3,375
LongestString (Array) : Number
LongestString returns the length of the longest string in an array of
var X
Writeln LongestString (X)
AmPm : Boolean
When AmPm is set true the TimeString function returns AmPm time format.
AmPm On
Writeln TimeString(Now) ; returns 10:13:34 am
NovConLoggedIn (Array)
NovConLoggedIn returns an array of connection numbers that have someone
logged in.
var Connections
Loop Connection
Writeln LoopVal
NovMaxConnectionsUsed : Number
Returns the maximum number of connection used on the server. If you're
hunting through connection numbers you can use this value as a maximum
instead of NovMaxConnections to reduce the number of connections you
have to deal with.
NovShowNotLoggedIn : Boolean
NovShowNotLoggedIn is used with NovUsersLoggedIn and NovConLoggedIn.
Normally users who are connected but not logged in are filtered out buy
MarxMenu. But if you set NovShowNotLoggedIn to True, then NOT-LOGGED-IN
will be included in the list.
Forever is part of a loop Repeat -- Forever. Forever is an unconditional
jump to Repeat.
ComWriteRecChar (On/Off)
If ComWriteRecChar is set to On then any characters comming in the
serial port will be written to the screen. In a terminal program you
would typically turn ComWriteRecChar and ComSendKbdChar both on.
ComSendKbdChar (On/Off)
If ComSendKbdChar is set to On then any characters typed at the keyboard
will be sent out the serial port. In a terminal program you would
typically turn ComWriteRecChar and ComSendKbdChar both on.
ComLocalInput (On/Off)
If ComLocalInput is set to On then keys typed at the keyboard will be
treated as if they came in over the serial port. This allows a host
program like a BBS to be run from the local console as if the user were
typing in characters.
ComCheckActivity will check the serial ports and keyboard and route
characters if anything needs to be routed. It is typically used in the
main process loop of communication programs to make it run fast.
ComZRecover (On/Off)
If ComZRecover is set to On then if you retry an aborted ZModem download
it will resume at the point where it was aborted.
ComFullFileName : String
Returns the full file name of the file that is currently being
UpperCaseCompare (On/Off)
When UpperCaseCompare is set to On, all string commands that compare
strings are case insensitive.
UpperCaseCompare On
Writeln 'ABC' = 'abc' ; returns true
The commands this affects include all comparison operators, Pos,
PosInList, and PosInSortedList.
PosInListPartial (String,Array) : Number
PosInListPartial is similar to the PosInList command. It searches a
string array for a matching string and returns the line number of the
first match. Unlike PosInList which compares the whole string,
PosInListPartial will find the first string that contains the search
var List
List[1] = 'Date=09-20-93'
List[2] = 'Time=10:18'
List[3] = 'Name=Marc'
Writeln PosInListPartial('Name=',List) ; returns 3
ComAcceptFileProgram is a variable that contains a procedure that you
use when receiving a file to determine if the file name being sent is
acceptable. You procedure needs to return a True to accept the name or a
False to reject the name.
ComAcceptFileProgram = Loc MyAcceptName
;- Always overwrite file
Procedure MyAcceptName
if ExistFile ComFullFileName
DelFile ComFullFileName
Return True
;----- Ask to overwrite existing file
Procedure MyAcceptName
var Ch
if ExistFile ComFullFileName
BoxBorderColor LCyan Mag
BoxInsideColor Yellow Mag
InverseColor Yellow Red
DrawBox 31 7 47 3
UseArrows Off
Write ' File ' ComFileName ' exists. Replace it? (Y/n) '
Ch = UpperCase(ReadKey)
if Ch = 'N'
Return False
DelFile ComFullFileName
Return True
Return True
NovDirectoryRights (Dir) : Number
NovDirectoryRights return your effective rights in the directory Dir.
Writeln NovDirectoryRights 'F:\PUBLIC'
NovAddTrustee (Dir,Rights,Object,Type)
NovAddTrustee adds a directory and access rights to a user or group. To
add rights to a user the Type is 1. For a group the Type is 2.
NovAddTrustee ('F:\PUBLIC',$FF,'EVERYONE',2)
NovDeleteTrustee (Dir,Object,Type)
NovDeleteTrustee removes a directory access rights from a user or group.
To delete rights from a user the Type is 1. For a group the Type is 2.
NovDeleteTrustee ('F:\PUBLIC','EVERYONE',2)
NovCreateUser (Name)
Creates a user in the bindery along with all the minimum default
NovCreateUser 'MARC'
NovCreateGroup (Name)
Creates a group in the bindery along with all the minimum default
NovCreateGroup 'ACCOUNTING'
NovCreatePrintQueue (Name)
Creates a print queue in the bindery along with all the minimum default
NovCreatePrintQueue 'ACCOUNTING'
I've fixed the Volume command so that a disk with no volume name works
correctly. I also made the Volume command setable so that you can set
the Volume as well as read it.
I also made the FileAttr command setable so that you can set file
attributes as well as read them.
I did some serious reworking of PickOne and PickMany so that they are
smarter than they were. Both are fully reenterant now so if you are in a
PickMany and you use a KeyEvent to call up another PickMany it still
New Commands:
PickManyFlags : Array
PickManyFlags is an array that PickMany creates in real time indicating
which items are picked. The array is an array of boolean values
(True/False) that has the same number of elements as the array you are
picking from. Every element that is picked is set to true in the same
position in the PickManyFlags array.
Since updating is done in real time a KeyEvent or background task can
monitor this array and read which elements of the array are being
selected. You could pop up another window that listed those elements
already selected.
PickRedisplay sets a flag for PickOne or PickMany to redisplay the
choices in the array. If a KeyEvent were to alter the contents of an
array that is currently being picked, this commant would force a
redisplay the that the user sees the changes.
PickOne and PickMany automatically detect and redisply the array if the
number of elements of the array changes.
Version 2.46
Working on breaking the 64k barrier for MRX files. MRX code is still
limited to 64k but I've moved the space used by strings out of the code.
This allows for 64k of code and 64k of string space. Most MRX files are
about one third strings so this will allow MRX files to be significantly
bigger than they were.
EatKbdChar (On/Off)
EatKbdChar controls the behavior of WaitOrKbdReady. If it is On
(default) and a key is pressed the character will be absorbed from the
keyboard buffer. If it is off the character is left in the buffer.
FormatNum (Real,Format) : String
Form converts a real number to a string in a specific format which is
controlled by a format string. The characters of the string control the
decimal places, size of the string, and money signs.
# A digit position, blank if not available.
* A digit position, fill with asterisk if not available.
@ A digit position, fill with zero if not available.
$ A digit position, activating a floating dollar sign.
- A sign position, needed if * or @ digits used exclusively.
+ A sign position, shows '+' for positive numbers as well.
, A decimal comma or a separator comma.
. A decimal period or a separator period.
Writeln FormatNum(Pi,'#.#####') ;returns 3.14159
Beginning to add the ability to access dBase files.
DbOpen (FileName) : Handle
DbOpen opens a dBase file and returns a file handle. The file handle is
used to access the data file with all other dBase commands. If you don't
specify a file extension the extension '.DBF' is assumed.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
DbFields (Handle,Fields)
DbFields reads the list of dBase fields into a 2 dimensional array. The
fields are as follows:
1 - Name
2 - Type
3 - Length
4 - Decimal Position
var Handle Fields
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
loop Fields
loop LoopVal
Write LoopVal ' '
Field Types:
C - Character
D - Date
N - Number
L - Logical (True/False)
DbCreateFile (Name,Fields)
DbCreateFile creates an empty dBase file. The Fields parameter is a 2
dimensional array that specifies the field structure. The field
structure of the array is as follows:
1 - Name
2 - Type
3 - Length
4 - Decimal Position
var Fields
Fields[1] = Set['Name','C',35,0]
Fields[2] = Set['Age','N',3,0]
DbRecords (Handle) : Number
DbRecords return the number of records in a dBase file.
DbRecLen (Handle) : Number
DbRecLen return the record size in a dBase file.
DbGetRecord (Handle,Record,Data)
DbGetRecord reads a specific physical record from a dBase file into
array Data. It sets a variable DbDeleted to true if the record is
deleted. Error status information is returned in the variable
FileResult. If FileResult returns 5, the record is locked.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
loop Data
Write LoopVal ' ' ;writes the first record
DbClose (Handle)
DbClose closes a dBase file.
DbDeleted : Boolean
After a DbGetRecord, DbDeleted returns True if the record was deleted.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
if DbDeleted then Writeln 'Record 1 is Deleted'
DbWriteRecord (Handle,Record,Data) DbWriteRecord writes a physical
record into a dBase file from Data at location Record. Error status
information is returned in the variable FileResult. If FileResult
returns 5, the record is locked.
MarxMenu automatically sets file locks while writing to a record so that
it prevents multiple writes to the same record when used on a network.
If you write a record that is one record past the end of the file, the
record will be appended. If you write beyond the end of the file,
MarxMenu will fill in the gap with empty deleted records.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
DbDeleteRecord (Handle,Record)
DbDeleteRecord sets a specified record as deleted. The data in the
record remains and can be set undeleted.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
DbUnDeleteRecord (Handle,Record)
DbUnDeleteRecord sets a specified record as not deleted.
Handle = DbOpen 'MAILLIST.DBF'
DbLockRecord (Handle,Record)
Sets a file lock on a specified record. If you are accessing multiple
records or multiple files that all have to be updated at once, you might
want to lock them all first before doing the update,
DbUnLockRecord (Handle,Record)
Removes a file lock on a specified record. If you are accessing multiple
records or multiple files that all have to be updated at once, you might
want to lock them all first before doing the update,
DbLockFile (Handle)
DbLockFile puts a file lock on the entire dBase file.
DbUnLockFile (Handle)
DbUnLockFile removes a file lock from the entire dBase file.
DBaseMode (On/Off)
When MarxMenu reads a dBase record it converts numbers into real
numbers, boolean fields into boolean variables, and truncates spaces
from string variables. DBase programmers, however, like to have all
fields returned as strings with all the spaces included. If DBaseMode is
set to On, MarxMenu returns data as dBase programmers expect.
PadLeftChar (String,Char,Length) : String
PadLeftChar returns a string that is padded on the left side with the
character Char to a length of Length.
St = 'MARC'
Writeln PadLeftChar(St,'*',8) ;returns '****MARC'
PadRightChar (String,Char,Length) : String
PadRightChar returns a string that is padded on the right side with the
character Char to a length of Length.
St = 'MARC'
Writeln PadRightChar(St,'*',8) ;returns 'MARC****'
TrimLead (St)
TrimLead trims the leading spaces off of the left side of a string.
St = ' MARC '
Writeln St ;returns 'MARC '
TrimTrail (St)
TrimTrail trims the trailing spaces off of the right side of a string.
St = ' MARC '
Writeln St ;returns ' MARC'
CharString (Char,Length)
CharString returns a string Length long made of of Char.
Writeln CharString ('*',4) ;returns '****'
After getting complaints that MARXCOMP is using too much memory, I've
reworked the memory management so that it uses a lot less.
ComIRQ (ComPort) : Number
ComIRQ returns the interrupt number for the specified com port. It can
also me used to set the interrupt number to a non-standard interrupt.
The interrupt must be set before using ComInitPort.
Writeln ComIRQ (Com3) ; displays the interrupt
ComIRQ (Com3) = 5 ; set Com3 to use interrupt 5
ComInitPort(38400,8,'N',1) ; Initialize the port
ComBasePort (ComPort) : Number
ComBasePort returns the base port address for the specified com port. It
can also me used to set the base port address to a non-standard base
port. The base port address must be set before using ComInitPort.
Writeln ComBasePort (Com3) ; displays the base port
ComBasePort (Com3) = $4F8 ; set Com3 base port
ComInitPort(38400,8,'N',1) ; Initialize the port
CopyFile (Source,Dest)
CopyFile copies a file from source to destination. If the destination
file already exists it will be deleted, even if it is a read-only file.
On novell networks it takes advantage of the server copy function to
increase speed. Results are returned in the FileResult variable.
CurrentDrive : String
Returns the letter of the current drive.
Writeln CurrentDrive ; returns C
ShareInstalled : Boolean
ShareInstalled returns True if the dos program SHARE is installed.
AssignInstalled : Boolean
AssignInstalled returns True if the dos program ASSIGN is installed.
AppendInstalled : Boolean
AppendInstalled returns True if the dos program APPEND is installed.
AnsiInstalled : Boolean
AnsiInstalled returns True if the ANSI device driver is installed.
PrintInstalled : Boolean
PrintInstalled returns True if the dos program PRINT is installed.
DosKeyInstalled : Boolean
DosKeyInstalled returns True if the dos program DOSKEY is installed.
Changed NovScanTrusteePath to return the trustees on all volumes of the
current server. If you had to use a lot of strange tricks to read all
volumes in the past you can now remove those tricks.
NovLoginType (Connection) : Num
NovLoginType returns the object type at a specific connection number.
Writeln NovLoginType(1) ;returns the object type on connection 1
NovConnectionInfo (2D Array)
NovConnectionInfo reads all the connections and gathers a variety of
information about each connection into a two dimensional array. This
fields of this array include:
1 - Connection Number
2 - Connection Name
3 - Connection Station Address
4 - Connection Object Type
5 - Connection Login Time
6 - Connection Object Number
Var ConInfo
NovConnectionInfo ConInfo
Loop ConInfo
Loop LoopVal
Write LoopVal ' '
Unique (Array)
Unique removes duplicates from a sorted array.
Var A
A = Set['A','B','B','C']
Unique(A) ;removes the duplicate 'B'
EchoChar (On/Off)
When used with Readln, EchoChar controls whether or not characters typed
in will echo to the screen. Turning EchoChar Off is handy when entering
a password.
var PassW
EchoChar Off
Write ' Password: '
PassW = Readln
When using the VLM shells you can specify up to 9 printers. This command
returns the number of printers your shell will support. With NETX it
returns 3 printers.
if NovNumberOfPrinters = 9
NovCaptureQueue(9) = 'DOT'
NovGetRootLevel (Drive) : Number
NovGetRootLevel returns the number of directories below the fake root
that the current directory is. Drives with no fake root return 255.
The current directory is H:\LETTERS, but H: is mapped to the
directory: TYME/SYS:HOME\MARC.
Writeln NovGetRootLevel('H') ;returns 1
Version 2.47
Linked in a new updated communications library, APRO 2.0. Besides
working better, I can now do more things with it. One new advance is
that MarxMenu now supports Compuserve B+ uploads and downloads.
Compuserve B+ is fully automatic and requires no aditional commands to
make it work. You just log onto Compuserve with it and start a file
transfer and the MarxMenu end just handles it.
Made the string to date conversion smarter. Now you can pass a string
'020194' and get 02-01-94.
PosInListLeft (String,Array) : Number
PosInListLeft is similar to the PosInList command. It searches a string
array for a matching string and returns the line number of the first
match. Unlike PosInList which compares the whole string, PosInListLeft
will find the first string that starts with the search string.
The difference between PosInListPartial and PosInListLeft is that
PosInListPartial will match anywhere in the string, and PosInListLeft
will match only if the string start with the search string.
var List
List[1] = 'Date=09-20-93'
List[2] = 'Time=10:18'
List[3] = 'Name=Marc'
Writeln PosInListPartial('Name=',List) ; returns 3
Version 2.48
I'm working on better ways to deal with memory when using MarxMenu to
log into the network. One of the things I want to accomplish is for
MarxMenu to be able to execute LOGIN.EXE. This is very nasty and I think
I have it. But, I bumped the version number up because of these changes.
If you have problems with NovLogin, let me know. If you use MarxMenu to
log in to Netware, keep a copy of an earlier version handy in case this
doesn't work.
The dispose command will now take multiple parameters on the same line.
Dispose X Y Z
The UpperCase command will now take arrays as parameters. All strings in
the array will become uppercase. Will work with multidimensional arrays.
Elements that aren't strings are left alone.
DisposeAll does a dispose on all global variables. This can be used to
reset everything to nothing. Local variables are not affected. So, if
you want to save something you can copy it to a local variable and copy
is back when you're done.
I made some improvements in parameter passing to procedures.
You can pass many parameters and have them concatinated into a single
string as the real parameter, much the way the parameters of the Writeln
command work. Numbers passed are converted to strings.
When you define your procedure, if you have a single parameter whose
name begins with a "$", MarxMenu will process all parameters passed as a
single string.
Procedure WriteALine ($Line)
WriteALine DateString ' ' TimeString ' ' Temperature
In the above example, because WriteALine had the parameter $Line, it
tells MarxMenu to concatinate all parameters passed to it into a single
string and put it into the variable Line.
ReadlnTimeout (Seconds)
ReadlnTimeout is set to control the number of seconds a Readln or
Readkey will wait for input before timing out.
If a timeout occurs, LastKey will be set to char(255).
ReadlnTimeout = 5
Line = Readln
I've added swaping ability to the Execute command. When Swapping is set
to On, MarxMenu will swap itself out to EMS, XMS or disk reducing it's
memory footprint to about 5k of ram. If MarxMenu uses a disk file, the
file name is the same as the temporary batch file name with the
extension SWP.
Swapping (On/Off)
If Swapping is set to On, the Execute command will cause MarxMenu to
swap itself out of memory allowing more ram for the application being
I've added some new features to the Loop - EndLoop logic.
You can specify a start and end of the loop:
Loop 5 10
Writeln LoopIndex
This will loop starting at 5 and ending at 10. If you also specify and
array variable, you can loop through a section of the array.
Loop 3 9 MyArray
Writeln LoopVal
In the above example, MarxMenu will write out the loop values for
elements 3 thru 9 of MyArray.
StartsWith (String) : Boolean
StartsWith compares two strings and tests to see if one string starts
with another string.
if IniString StartsWith 'DEVICE='
Writeln IniString
The ParamsToArray command allows you to pass any number of parameters to
a procedure and receive those parameters into a single array.
Procedure WriteList (LinesToWrite)
Loop LinesToWrite
Writeln LoopVal
WriteList ('Line1','Line2','Line3')